NEW Expanded Edition!


ALL of the information on the market about achieving goals and succeeding is missing one vital element!

Without this element, not only will you NOT achieve your goals, you will probably lose many frustrating years trying. (If you haven't already.)

GOLD COAST - New research reveals that ALL of the information on the market about achieving goals and succeeding is missing one VITAL element. An element that is PARAMOUNT to your success.

Even well known books like "Think And Grow Rich" and "The Richest Man In Babylon" do not have this element. And modern day success gurus also miss identifying it...

W. Clement Stone's success formula that never fails is: Inspiration to Action + Action Knowledge (experience gained by DOING) + Book Knowledge, applied to what you want.

Anthony Robbins' ultimate success formula is: Define what you want + take action to get what you want + analyze the results of the action + adjust the action as necessary.

Napoleon Hill's success formula is: Know what you want + know what you will give in return for what you want + know when you want it by + create a plan to get it and put the plan into action + write it all out (what, when, how) + repeat written goal to yourself and visualize its attainment.

All three of these successful men pretty well espouse the same formula:

  1. Know what you want
  2. Figure how you're going to get it (the plan of attack)
  3. Implement the plan (take action)
  4. Make adjustments as needed until you achieve your goal.

It's pretty basic stuff. And yet, people have a great deal of trouble with it.

The trouble is deemed to be procrastination, lack of follow through, fear of success, lack of motivation, lack of belief, or a myriad of other terms.

And to help you increase your motivation - or remove the lack of belief you may be suffering - there are tools and techniques and more books and seminars and workshops you can buy.

And yet, after all the motivational books, seminars, workshops and tapes, people still procrastinate. They still don't go ahead and do what it is they need to do. They still do not take the necessary action. They still give up on things.


It's the missing element. (an element the books, workshops and tapes, etc., never talk about.)

The element in question has FAR MORE POWER THAN BELIEF and can turn you into a PERSISTENT ACTION DYNAMO capable of achieving anything you want in life.

In fact, the element is so POWERFUL, it enables you to achieve things you did not think you could!

And, it is the one thing that can DEMOLISH the SUCCESS BARRIERS that hold you back and literally force you to ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS...

Bill Myers used it when he got started. So did Richard Branson. Even athletes use it - Robyn Benincasa, World Champion Expedition Racer and multiple EcoChallenge winner (the toughest, hardest expedition race on the planet), uses it to help her win. And NOBODY has revealed the element explicity before.

Exactly what this element is, why it has been overlooked, and how you can use it to EMPOWER your projects and goals, is explicitly revealed for the first time in the special report called "The Success Report - How To Demolish The Success Barriers That Hold You Back and Be Pulled Towards Your Goals."

The information in "The Success Report" is not the 'same old same old' because it has NEVER been explicitly revealed elsewhere before! (Don't take my word for it though. Check out these discussion board posts about it Post 1, Post 2)

And as well as explaining what the element is, why it has been overlooked and how you can use it, starting today, "The Success Report" also...

  • Lifts the lid on "Belief" and shows you how to achieve whatever you want, whether you think you can or not (This goes against every other theory on "Belief").
  • Reveals the TRUTH about "Affirmations" (And shows you an alternate way to use them that is MORE POWERFUL).
  • Shows why it is NOT necessary to "Be Ready For Success" as the gurus have been saying (And why you are, in fact, ready right now).
  • Exposes the unethical tricks the personal development gurus use in their seminars to "get you hooked" (This is a real eye-opener and will probably make you mad).
  • Explains why typical Success Barriers, such as Procrastination, cannot be avoided (And what you can do to obliterate them when they surface).
  • Details real life examples of this element being used by fledgling entrepreneurs (Who went on to great success) as well as mega-millionaires (Who repeatedly use it to increase their wealth).
  • And provides an easy-to-do exercise that will help you use the element in your life, starting today!

Now before you order there is something you need to know... Even though "The Success Report" contains more useful and valuable information than some books hundreds of pages long, it is short - and - to the point. So if you like your information by the pound and if quantity matters more to you than quality, then don’t get this report. On the other hand, if you like your information to be concise, of a high quality and to provide you with what it’s supposed to, without padding, then...

Order your own, personal copy of "The Success Report" today. - It’s only $19.95 and comes with a One Year Money-Back Guarantee so you have NO RISK (Try it for one whole year, and if you don't believe you have gained anything from your investment, get your money back. Plain & simple).

You can achieve anything you want in life, and overcome any obstacle in the way, using the most POWERFUL FORCE there is... if you know how.

Here’s your chance to discover what the
and how to use it to...

Demolish The Success Barriers That Hold
You Back and Be Pulled Towards Your Goals

If you have ever had difficulty achieving your goals, finishing what you start, or overcoming procrastination, etc., and you want to achieve more in your life, you need this report. Order online today...

Check out this NEW Expanded Edition!

The report is in electronic format (Adobe Acrobat PDF) and is available for immediate download.

You may also place your order by Mail or Phone...

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© MMII-MMXII by Michael Ross. All rights reserved.